Blog: Creativity
A Frugal Knitter’s Guide to Stash Revamp
I know I am not alone here... It doesn't matter how awesome your stash is, there comes a time when you fall completely out of love which what you have and the urge to buy more yarn is a strong, strong siren song. Am I right? Now granted I am certainly not...
5 Powerful Keys to Making Your Competition Irrelevant
Jealousy. We have all been there. It does not matter if it is amongst stay at home moms, corporate executives and yes, even artists. There is a time in EVERYONE's life when you are green with envy over what someone else has. And while I think jealousy is just a fact...
Your Art is Not Your Technique
Let me clear something up, your art is not your technique. Technique involve process of habit, muscle memory, physical skills of precision. Art involves right brain creative genius being brought into form through your technique. Techniques are just a way to express...
When You Just Show Up
Procrastination. I have to admit, I am so freaking guilty of procrastinating in a big way when it comes to making art. Seriously? I love art. WTH am I doing? Why do chose to do laundry over getting into the studio I love, sitting with an obscene amount of great yarn...
Am I good enough to be a fiber artist?
Yes. Last month I saw an exhibit of painted and stitched tissue paper hanging from the ceiling. It was fiber art exhibited in a gallery. My lizard brain stood in front of this work gobsmacked, all it saw was colorful tissue paper. My creative brain saw movement color...
Using Mercury Retrograde to Make Better Art
Mercury Retrograde is real y'all. And it went into effect Sunday. I am not gonna lie...I actually LOVE Mercury Retrograde these days. But that was not always the case. What the retrograde is, as Mercury is winding its way around the sun the view of this on earth puts...
Today’s art meditation
Usually I sit down to journal with nothing more than some washi tape and maybe a good thin sharpie pen. Today I am adding some props and a little soul work. I didn't realize I was feeling so anxious, but today found myself officially on anxiety meds. So working some...
Today’s page
I am all about using my every day ephemera. No combing the antique stores for vintage photo to add butterfly wings and dunce caps to. No weird vintage medical or botanical illos. That is not a record or influence of observing my day. And for fuck sake it has all been...
Making Fiber Art: It is all in the details
Check this out. This is my most recent yarn... It was made from this fiber I dyed a couple of weeks ago. The first in the new dye space. So this fiber was a miss mash of mill ends, farm wool, angora from my late great bunnies, and sole roving ends. I could not tell...
Check out my art journal and the art it helped me make
So, today, Fiberista, I have a new video for you. I was looking through some old posts trying to think of what we would talk about today and I found this post where I shared a video of my art journal. Can you believe that was 6 weeks ago? I have to say, my journal has...
The 5 Keys to Making Art You Love
For the longest time, the idea of making a body of work and really embracing the idea of being an artist was just overwhelming for me. I have always done creative stuff. Not just little crafts. I would take art classes and learn some intensive techniques like...
My Creative Emergency Toolkit
I have been avoiding my weaving. Really. I have scheduled so many weaving days in the last month and just don't do them. It is not that I am losing the weaving fact I am really excited about the stuff I have made so far. It is really more like I am feeling a...
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