Blog: Creativity
Prayer Shawls for Self Love
One of my college roomies was an avid crocheter. This was way before I even considered fiber art. She made blankets. Each one thoughtfully planned as gifts for those she loved. They were labor intensive solid blankets using color blocking designs and...
My Favorite Resources for Art Crochet
Today, fiberista, I am feeling called to hit the WIPS. So for today's post I am giving a nod to the Crocheters. I know that often times finding crochet patterns amongst the vast selection of knitting patterns available is enough to make one feel like you are on the...
How to Go From Crafter to Artist in 7 Steps
Ages ago in Birmingham, my friend Robin and I would do a weekly craft night at her house. I had just started to knit and was making a garter stitch scarf that was, of course, way too wide. She was a cross-stitcher who loved tackling large complex patterns. Others...
Turning Creative Ebb into Flow in 21 Days
I have to admit, I am so happy to be back on the blog after my post vlogmas hiatus. After taking 3 weeks to recharge and reorganize, I have to admit I am so freaking happy to start a new year. In 2017, I found my creative groove and I don't think I have ever been so...
Last week I slayed some major creative doubts.
I have written so many freaking posts about my creative blocks. I am not going to lie, in the last year or so, these blocks have been big enough to feel like doubts. But, fiberista, last week while vlogging (yep, I am actually trying to let the...
Vlog 10.08.2017: A peek inside my art tools bag
Woohoo! I vlogged. I thought I lost my art bag containing all my favorite art journaling supplies. the good news is it wasn't lost...and I ordered backups of all the favorite things. Here is a peak at what those are. Here is a list of all the things I...
I See You: a love letter to artists facing self doubt
Nothing will kill art faster than self doubt. And unless you are certifiable narcissist, every single artist goes through periods of self doubt. It is normal. Overcoming it makes us better artists. But, today fiberista, I want to acknowledge and validate...
Creative ADD
Years ago, before my fiber art obsession, when I was a graphic designer, I loved to take art classes. I took so many community art classes. Batik, Metalsmithing, Raku, Lampwork. I loved to dive into learning ways to create. Despite creating all day for...
Letting go of WIP guilt
When letting go of projects you are not loving is a good thing.
Your Knitting is a Cultural Icon
A little more than a year and a half ago, I opened up a little space on FB for fellow fiberistas to gather and share inspirations and ideas. The past year and a half have filled me with so much awe. I am humbled by the courage and willingness of those who...
Natural Dyes vs. Chemical Dyes
I get asked about natural dyes ALL THE TIME. And straight up, I don't do them. So I usually just do not have a lot of info about natural dyes. Hey I get it. There is something deliciously romantic about going all homesteader, foraging plants, and using...
Update on that Art Yarn Scarf
So, Last week I made a video showing you how to use a hairpin lace loom to make an art yarn scarf. If you missed that check it out here. Once the camera was off and as the video loaded, I started to mull over ideas for finishing this scarf. And of course...
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