Blog: Creativity
When not doing the work helps you be more creative
I am not gonna lie. I have just gotten back to the studio after an awesome lunch with my BFF. I had some good sushi, and truth be told my tummy is full and I just want to curl up and take a nap. I opened up the outline for what was going to be today's post and stared...
What Kind Of Knitter are You?
The way I see it there are two kinds of knitters. And this comes from working in the yarn shop for a year as well as talking to hundreds of you in person at the shows and online. I can pretty much break it down to technique driven knitters and visually driven...
Fuck the color wheel: How to break the color rules and get awesome results.
I've just begun the process of redoing my bathroom working with a designer. Yesterday in an email as were talking about tile colors, I fessed up that I'm going to be one of those high maintenance clients that will want to be all hands on the color picking....
5 Principles You Need to Know about Creating Art
I stood there staring at a table full of color and curls. Bits of leather, some sequins, tangles of threads. But in this pile of plush fiber I saw a consistency and a familiarness emerge from the folds. I could almost flesh out the progression of her study even within...
Feeling Stuck Creatively and How to Get Unstuck
I am not gonna lie. I have not been feeling the knitting love lately. Heck I have not been feeling the spinning or dyeing love either. Crazy since today is the first day of October. Here in Appalachia that means crisp cool mornings, gorgeous inspiring autumn colors...
The secret to art journaling and why it will change the way you create
I am such a big advocate of art journaling. For me it is not just a place to try my hand at art techniques. The main reason I keep one is it is hands down the best way to capture and develop inspirations. ALL of my creative ideas start in my art journal. It is...
5 Art Journal Techniques for Creative Inspirations
Art Journaling is the most important fiber tool I own. Art journaling helps me aggregate my creative inspirations into my work. Art journaling helps me distill my style from those same inspirations. My art journal is a record of my thought process. I use my journal as...
Finding Real Creative Inspiration
It all started with reading yet another post about another artist being inspired by nature. {{{Groan}}}} I know that there are a lot of artist whose work are truly inspired by the great outdoors . God’s country. Mother Nature. But, I also know that this is the...
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