Blog: Behind the Scenes
Plan your fall sweaters in 5 easy steps
I've said it before and I will say it again....I am determined to get some new sweaters cranked out this year. Seriously it has been a while since I have had a new sweater that I made myself. We're talking years. I am totally ashamed to admit this, but it...
Weaving Hacks: Combining tapestry and rigid heddle loom techniques
Today Fiberistas, I am eating my hat. I am guilty of talking smack about one of my looms. Let me just say one of you inspired me to dive deeper and I have just folded some crazy new techniques into what I have been here is the back story.... When I first...
Family Stories: How They Shape Your Art
Fiberista, Can I be real with you for a minute? Maybe you guys could tell from my trend of encouraging posts about finding your visual language and how it relates to a greater life purpose. Something on my mind lately as I navigate these things for myself. This month...
Is this the best art you can make? 4 mindset questions to slay your doubts
I listen to a lot of business audio books and lectures. I know its kind of crazy since usually artists are not naturally aligned with business theories. I had no formal business training when I started my art business. But lucky for me there are so many resources to...
Spinning Art Yarn from Ginormous Rolags
Woohoo! I am feeling like a YouTube LIVE pro at this point...okay, not really, but you guys again, Sunday's stream was awesome and fun. I love connecting with y'all. Here is the replay: I am definitely going to do this again soon. I am...
My first YouTube LIVE was awesome and I am doing it again
You Guys... that was so much fun. I updated my back end set up, and sent out reminders and OMG I love using YouTube LIVE. I love that you don't have to have Facebook to watch and it goes into my library of videos. Check it out Here is the replay: WooHoo! That...
What kind of carder should I get?
I know I am late to the game. I bought a blending board earlier this year. I have 3 drum carders and some hand cards, I did not see a need for a blending board. That is until I for what ever reason decided I wanted one because if the portability. I had some felting...
How to Go From Crafter to Artist in 7 Steps
Ages ago in Birmingham, my friend Robin and I would do a weekly craft night at her house. I had just started to knit and was making a garter stitch scarf that was, of course, way too wide. She was a cross-stitcher who loved tackling large complex patterns. Others...
Turning Creative Ebb into Flow in 21 Days
I have to admit, I am so happy to be back on the blog after my post vlogmas hiatus. After taking 3 weeks to recharge and reorganize, I have to admit I am so freaking happy to start a new year. In 2017, I found my creative groove and I don't think I have ever been so...
Vlogmas Week 3: Answering questions and some of my work
Alright fiberista....we are heading into the vlogmas home stretch. Despite the intense learning curve on video edits, and the constantly thinking of how to share my day, It has been nice to meet you guys!! And I tell you, your questions have seen me...
Vlogmas Week 2: Behind the scenes of a fiber art business
We are officially halfway through vlogmas!! woo! I am not gonna lie. It has been challenging. Even though my editing skills have improved ten fold, it is an extra chunk of time out of my work day (and even my off days). But the connections with you guys...
Vlogmas Week 1: I Made An Art Yarn Scarf
I love making videos. It involves all the things I loved about graphic design and but with more dimension. I knew taking on YouTube's vlogmas challenge would be ...well...challenging. Vlogmas is where vloggers post daily vlog videos to their channels from...
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