Blog: Behind the Scenes
Blogtober, whose brilliant idea was this?
Move over big guy, mommy need her rest. Oh right it was mine. Because I wanted to get back to blogging and October seemed like a great time to start because I could easily smash a couple of words together in a really cute way to make this endeavor feel like an event....
What I am working on
Fiberista, I know you know what I mean. It doesn't matter what kind of calm or chaos is happening in your world, the one constant will always be making art. I would say specifically fiber art, but I have a long-held commitment to my art journal as well that tends to...
Falling off my habit wagon
I am not gonna lie...I have fallen down on the tiny habits thing. I am almost 6 months in, halfway. I knew this would probably happen. I even gave myself a little grace period to skip adding new habits for 8 weeks(broken up as needed) I just know myself. I will let...
Friday Five: random 5 things on my mind lately
Hey Fiberista. I think I need more coffee, but I am pushing forward anyway. I am sitting on my front balcony listening to my neighbor chat on the phone in a different language. It is cool enough for a sweater, but sunny enough to be an irresistible morning. I toyed...
Friday five: my top five spinning tools
I have been on a bit of a fiber art hiatus. I took a couple of years off to get my real estate license. As I have been slowly dipping my toes back into the world of fiber art, my go-to has been hand spinning. Actually, spinning has always been my go-to. It is...
Friday 5: the legacy my knitting teacher left behind
I got word last night that the woman who taught me how to knit passed away. Susan A. passed away suddenly and left behind more than just a family. She was a knitting teacher in the mid to late 1990s and taught at the community college in Birmingham, AL. For me, her...
WIPS, new toys and my creativity helper
Ah… A new year. Another year. I know it has been a hot minute since I have posted. But I always seem to come back to here. Do you realize I have been blogging on and off since 2002? I have my old blog archived somewhere, and at some point I intend to post it as a PDF...
Life After CoVid
I feel naked and, quite frankly, a little uneasy. No lie, this is the first time I have sat at a coffee shop in more than 15 months. No mask, outside, and this place is bustling. Like everyone else on the planet, I have been itching to escape the 4 walls of my home,...
Freeform Art Weaving on My 4 Shaft Floor Loom
Last Sunday's LIVE cast was another fun one. You guys bring the best questions. Sunday, I shared with you guys a little about how I freeform art weave on my 4-shaft floor looms, as well as talked about some of the yarn I have been spinning especially with art weaving...
Beat Procrastination and Weave the Art You Should Be Weaving
We have all had moments when we just art not weaving the art we should be making. Usually, this can be one of 3 reasons. Hell, I can point to no less than 5 projects I am currently procrastinating on. So this has been something on my mind lately. Especially as a...
For Whom Do You Make Art?
Fiberista, we have a responsibility as artists to be true to our own voice and visual language. We all think and create uniquely. Honoring those gifts means focusing your work on what rings true in your heart and to your eye. But, unfortunately that can change as you...
Finding Time to Make Art
Someone asked me a few weeks ago, how I find time to make art with all I do because I seem to be making art all the time. In this video, I am going to share all my time management secrets when it comes to making art.Here is the replay: To see the live chat, head over...
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