Blog: Art Journal
My Fiber Art Journal
I have been keeping an art journal since I was 18. Back then I was in art school and it was my sketchbook, a requirement for all of my art classes from day one. I resisted at first, it seemed like such a frivolous task. But, I soon realized that it was key to fleshing...
Turning Creative Ebb into Flow in 21 Days
I have to admit, I am so happy to be back on the blog after my post vlogmas hiatus. After taking 3 weeks to recharge and reorganize, I have to admit I am so freaking happy to start a new year. In 2017, I found my creative groove and I don't think I have ever been so...
Vlog 10.08.2017: A peek inside my art tools bag
Woohoo! I vlogged. I thought I lost my art bag containing all my favorite art journaling supplies. the good news is it wasn't lost...and I ordered backups of all the favorite things. Here is a peak at what those are. Here is a list of all the things I...
Today’s art meditation
Usually I sit down to journal with nothing more than some washi tape and maybe a good thin sharpie pen. Today I am adding some props and a little soul work. I didn't realize I was feeling so anxious, but today found myself officially on anxiety meds. So working some...
Today’s page
I am all about using my every day ephemera. No combing the antique stores for vintage photo to add butterfly wings and dunce caps to. No weird vintage medical or botanical illos. That is not a record or influence of observing my day. And for fuck sake it has all been...
Check out my art journal and the art it helped me make
So, today, Fiberista, I have a new video for you. I was looking through some old posts trying to think of what we would talk about today and I found this post where I shared a video of my art journal. Can you believe that was 6 weeks ago? I have to say, my journal has...
Getting back to the art journals
Confession time....I have fallen hard off the art journaling. While I would like to be able to say I am one of those people who can not live without her paper brain, lately that just has not been the case. I have always admired the sketchbooks of artists who are...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 28: The other art I do
I have more than just fiber in the studio, I have all kinds of other art supplies that help me make art. And they too are a hot mess!!! Part of what keeps me creatively productive has to do with other mediums I use to make art. What I mean is, sometimes I get...
Four ways art journaling made me a better artist
If you have been reading my blog long enough you will know I am a big advocate for art journalling. It is my paper brain filled with all the ramblings in my head be it my grocery list of my art ideas. It is the way I aggregate my thoughts overall. But I tell...
What will your art look like in 2016?
How did we get to the end of the year so fast? Oh... right, I am preoccupied with moving my life across state. And moving across state is filled with an insane number of unknowns. Where we will live? Will I be able to have my studio in my home or will I need to find...
Make Magic. Make Art Everyday.
The other day I decided to watch the documentary Muscle Shoals on Netflix. For the most part the only reason this movie was even on my radar, was I grew up about two hours East of Muscle Shoals, Alabama and my Girl Scout troop took a tour of the infamous...
The Busy Girl’s Quick Guide to New Art Ideas
I know you are way too busy to make art. I know I am... and I don't have kids. So, I know I probably have more time on my hands than you do. But, I am hard pressed to find time to generate new art ideas even though making fiber art IS MY JOB!! As creative people,...
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