Blog: Art Business
The 5 Keys to Making Art You Love
For the longest time, the idea of making a body of work and really embracing the idea of being an artist was just overwhelming for me. I have always done creative stuff. Not just little crafts. I would take art classes and learn some intensive techniques like...
My Creative Emergency Toolkit
I have been avoiding my weaving. Really. I have scheduled so many weaving days in the last month and just don't do them. It is not that I am losing the weaving fact I am really excited about the stuff I have made so far. It is really more like I am feeling a...
Getting back to the art journals
Confession time....I have fallen hard off the art journaling. While I would like to be able to say I am one of those people who can not live without her paper brain, lately that just has not been the case. I have always admired the sketchbooks of artists who are...
Other art I do
I suppose you could say I have always had a thing for art. Most of us creative types generally do. Once we are introduces to crayons and the ability to make marks to express what is in our noggin, we are hooked. I have always been an advocate for having some creative...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 31: Finis…for now
Alright fiberista's Day 31!! woo hoo a month of biz and studio reorganization has come to a close. And while I am so freaking excited to have a newly rehabbed space to start my 2017 strong, there is still quite a bit I would like to still do. But the big news is I can...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 30: what did and did not get done
One more day to go y'all. It is hard to believe I have been at this for a month. And I am not gonna lie, I don't feel like I will be finished. At least not in the sense of a perfectly organized studio space and business. It is something I am coming to terms with. For...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day29: the home stretch
3 more days y'all At this point I am down to the Plowing through to make a deadline phase. When I started this challenge 29 days ago the intention was to get my shit together so I could start the new year with focus and boundless creatively. And to blog daily... Aside...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 28: The other art I do
I have more than just fiber in the studio, I have all kinds of other art supplies that help me make art. And they too are a hot mess!!! Part of what keeps me creatively productive has to do with other mediums I use to make art. What I mean is, sometimes I get...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 25: My Perpetual WIPs
Merry Christmas Y'all! Today I am going to share with you just 3 projects. But these projects are what I consider the heart of my creative mojo. Is I had to point to the three projects that embody UrbanGypZ and where I am going with my work, this would the three. They...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 24: WIPs I am on the fence about
There is another pile in the WIP stash that is way larger than I would like. And to be honest, I am using this blog post to really suss out my feelings about each. Now I know everyone is going to have an opinion about saving the projects I am about to list. And while...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 22: WIPs That Are Staying In The Project Basket
YAY!! welcome to the first day of Week of WIP flash. Today I am sharing with you the projects that I consider my Works in Progress (WIP). These are the ones I intend to finish. No, really… Okay, this post is gonna be picture heavy post. Because I have… ...
Studio Awesome Challenge Day 18: No Excuses
Okay, let me just say. I am tired of my own excuses. I have a little less than 2 more weeks to get this studio In order and that includes some serious plans for the holidays. I am frustrated with how messy the studio still is. I mean, progress is happening. It is...
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