Blog: Art Business
Family Stories: How They Shape Your Art
Fiberista, Can I be real with you for a minute? Maybe you guys could tell from my trend of encouraging posts about finding your visual language and how it relates to a greater life purpose. Something on my mind lately as I navigate these things for myself. This month...
Is this the best art you can make? 4 mindset questions to slay your doubts
I listen to a lot of business audio books and lectures. I know its kind of crazy since usually artists are not naturally aligned with business theories. I had no formal business training when I started my art business. But lucky for me there are so many resources to...
How to Go From Crafter to Artist in 7 Steps
Ages ago in Birmingham, my friend Robin and I would do a weekly craft night at her house. I had just started to knit and was making a garter stitch scarf that was, of course, way too wide. She was a cross-stitcher who loved tackling large complex patterns. Others...
Turning Creative Ebb into Flow in 21 Days
I have to admit, I am so happy to be back on the blog after my post vlogmas hiatus. After taking 3 weeks to recharge and reorganize, I have to admit I am so freaking happy to start a new year. In 2017, I found my creative groove and I don't think I have ever been so...
Vlogmas Week 2: Behind the scenes of a fiber art business
We are officially halfway through vlogmas!! woo! I am not gonna lie. It has been challenging. Even though my editing skills have improved ten fold, it is an extra chunk of time out of my work day (and even my off days). But the connections with you guys...
Pumpkin Spice Sweater Knitting
I have no doubt where you live now, You are already deep into the crisp fall weather. Here in Raleigh, It all started this week. Flip the switch on the gas fireplace and cue pumpkin spice everything. Thank you baby Jebuz, it is finally sweater weather. If...
Selling What You Make
Hey I get it. Every artist at some point or another starts to think about selling what they make. Be it because friends are demanding it or because they have lofty dreams of quitting their day job and doing something they love all day long. But...
Gift Knitting Like A Boss
HoHoHo! Fiberistas, Break out the stash, It is that time of year again. Time to make your list, check it, and the stash, twice. We are officially just shy of 6 months from Christmas. If you are like me, you are gonna want to do what you can to offset any of the normal...
5 Powerful Keys to Making Your Competition Irrelevant
Jealousy. We have all been there. It does not matter if it is amongst stay at home moms, corporate executives and yes, even artists. There is a time in EVERYONE's life when you are green with envy over what someone else has. And while I think jealousy is just a fact...
When You Just Show Up
Procrastination. I have to admit, I am so freaking guilty of procrastinating in a big way when it comes to making art. Seriously? I love art. WTH am I doing? Why do chose to do laundry over getting into the studio I love, sitting with an obscene amount of great yarn...
Pricing Your Work Part 2: Getting Paid
Alright Fiberista's so, last week I shared with you the basic formula for finding the number that will support your work. And I spent a lot of time making the case for why you should charge according to that number even if you do not think you need the money or are...
Pricing Your Work Part 1: the nitty gritty of running the numbers
It is a question I get asked a lot: How do I price my work? I get it it is so very hard to know how to place value on art work in general. But as far as pricing hand knits and crochet, hand made yarns and fibers it can seem so much more confusing. I mean heck, you can...
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