Nov 5, 2014 | How to think like an artist, Uncategorized
The way I see it there are two kinds of knitters. And this comes from working in the yarn shop for a year as well as talking to hundreds of you in person at the shows and online. I can pretty much break it down to technique driven knitters and visually driven...
Oct 29, 2014 | How to think like an artist
I’ve just begun the process of redoing my bathroom working with a designer. Yesterday in an email as were talking about tile colors, I fessed up that I’m going to be one of those high maintenance clients that will want to be all hands on the color picking....
Oct 22, 2014 | How to think like an artist
I stood there staring at a table full of color and curls. Bits of leather, some sequins, tangles of threads. But in this pile of plush fiber I saw a consistency and a familiarness emerge from the folds. I could almost flesh out the progression of her study even within...
Oct 8, 2014 | Crochet pattern resources, Fiber crush: Stuff I love
This past labor day weekend I spent a solid 3 days working my hand dyed and hand spun yarn using freeform crochet. Freeform crochet is a way of making a series of motifs created improvisationally and pieced together to create a fabric. Prudence Mapstone is known for...
Oct 1, 2014 | How to think like an artist
I am not gonna lie. I have not been feeling the knitting love lately. Heck I have not been feeling the spinning or dyeing love either. Crazy since today is the first day of October. Here in Appalachia that means crisp cool mornings, gorgeous inspiring autumn colors...