Apr 15, 2015 | How to think like an artist, Knit like a fiber artist
Let me clear something up for you. Right now, no matter how good or bad you feel you are at knitting/crocheting/spinning, you can do it. You have the right to claim the title of fiber artist. Yes. If that is what you wish you were, then you are already there....
Apr 8, 2015 | The Business of being an artist
I hear it all the time. “Oh how I wish I had a more creative job” It is usually coming from a fiberista who dreams of knitting all day instead of her accounting/administrative/nursing job. I get it. I used to dream about career knitting when I was in my...
Apr 1, 2015 | Fiber crush: Stuff I love
If you have been following my Instagram feed or Pinterest boards, you may have seen I have been on a weaving kick. I m totally blaming Debra Lambert of Picasso Moon, who taught the so very inspiring weaving class in Taos. I had already had a couple of looms, and had...
Mar 25, 2015 | Freebies, Knitting Pattern Resources, Uncategorized
It was my First Q&A LIVE! I was a nervous wreck. I had spent a week trying to decipher the technology settings, tested and tested and tested again. Crossed my fingers, and dove straight into my first live broadcast Q&A session for the Sock Art Society. Here is...
Mar 18, 2015 | Art Journaling for fiber artists., How to think like an artist
I know you are way too busy to make art. I know I am… and I don’t have kids. So, I know I probably have more time on my hands than you do. But, I am hard pressed to find time to generate new art ideas even though making fiber art IS MY JOB!! As creative...