May 20, 2015 | Knit like a fiber artist
Chances are if you are reading this, you have fiber crushed on yarn at some point. Grrrrrrl… you know what I mean. You saunter into your LYS and as you scan the room your eyes lock on a curvy soft skein in the corner with that come hither vibe. Resisting the...
May 6, 2015 | Freebies, Knit like a fiber artist
At some point every knitter wishes that they could knit faster. I know it is counter intuitive. I mean we are suppose to be knitting because we love love love being in the moment of creating fabric. But maybe you are under a gift making deadline, like...
Apr 29, 2015 | Crochet pattern resources, Knitting Pattern Resources
If you live as far South (or further!) as I do, Summer can often start as early as April. And as the temps start to climb, I don’t know about you, but I am pretty hard pressed to pick up any big wool knitting project. So here is a peak at my list...
Apr 22, 2015 | Art weaving, weaving
If you have been following my Instagram, you will see I have been obsessed with all things weaving since I came back from On Higher Ground Fiber Workshops in Taos last October. Debra Lambert of Picasso Moon taught an awesome class on weaving, sent me home with a loom,...
Apr 21, 2015 | Freebies, How to think like an artist, Knit like a fiber artist, Q&A LIVE
Live Q&A no. 2 and I feel like a seasoned pro… I had given myself most of the day to set up…and I ended up with about an hour and a half to kill. But I do know I need to find my old headphones, the mic was way better on the old headphones. So I...