Oct 28, 2015 | How to think like an artist
Who knew a fiberista could find wise knitting advise while googling Confucius quotes? Yep, I found my knitting Zen the other day, in the simple yet wise words of Confucius. For the most part, I think knitting is a metaphor for life in general. But here are my 3 fave...
Oct 21, 2015 | Knitting Pattern Resources, Uncategorized
Fall in Asheville, this year is a little bittersweet. The leaves are about to hit their peak color and the weather is just cool enough for a light sweater. If it all goes as planned, this is the last fall living in Asheville. It is such a great season to be in the...
Oct 14, 2015 | Art weaving, How to think like an artist, weaving
I have a confession. I have been holding out on you guys big time. I have been brewing the final installment of the 4 part weaving series for a couple of months now. And for what ever reason the inertia has been heavy. What I owe you is a post on what to create using...
Sep 30, 2015 | How to think like an artist, Knit like a fiber artist
I know it sounds crazy, but It seems like every project I have worked on in the last 2 years has been some sort of stash buster. Maybe it is because I have a crazy amount of stash filled with odd skeins and test runs of dyes and hand spun. But honestly, I have been...
Sep 23, 2015 | Fiber crush: Stuff I love
I am in the thick of getting rid of half of my stuff getting ready for our move across state, and trying to move out of the studio by the end of the month. We have literally gotten rid of half of our stuff. Who knew I could accumulate so much stuff in the 13 years...