Feb 10, 2016 | How to think like an artist, Knit like a fiber artist
I am working on some projects for an upcoming arm knitting book. I’l be honest, arm knitting was not something on my radar until I got the call from a friend who needed to fill in some spots on a project book. In case you have not heard of it either, it is an...
Jan 27, 2016 | Art weaving, How to think like an artist, weaving, yarn spinning
Ask any serious knitter, and they will ALL agree…fiber arts can be a slippery slop into crafting ADHA. Knitting leads to spinning leads to dyeing leads to felting leads to weaving. It seems that there is always a new and more interesting technique just around...
Jan 20, 2016 | How to think like an artist, Uncategorized
I want you to steal this color way. Yep. Use it for what ever you need, dyeing yarn, dyeing roving, color work for your knitting, yarn for a new weaving. Whatever you need. But here is the catch, I want you to make it your own somehow. The one question I get asked the...
Jan 13, 2016 | Freebies, yarn spinning
This is the second video of this series on how to spin art yarn. If you missed the first video, you can find it here. A couple of weeks ago, Cheryl had posted in my private Facebook group (the UrbanGypZ Fiber Art Collective, join us here) wanted to know how to...
Jan 6, 2016 | Freebies, How to think like an artist, yarn spinning
So, today I have a new video for you. You see I have a new Facebook group for peeps on my email list called the UrbanGypZ Fiber Art Collective. Each week I open up the opportunity to ask me anything…fibery, business, life, anything. Last week Cheryl wanted to...