Being Brave

We have all seen the memes. You know the ones that remind us to soldier on through adversity with promise of great rewards at the end. Love this one. This is what a meme looked like when I was a kid. Big poster on a wall… This past weekend I had the honor of...

Right Here, Right Now

I am not gonna lie. There are some crazy huge shifts happening here at UrbanGypZ. And I am not just talking about my move. I mean that is pretty big itself overall, but it seems as if my move has become a sort of creative catalyst for new directions. I have been...

Never Say Never

Fourteen years ago, I was at the counter of Earth Guild while the cashier rung up my purchases for the day. I am not even sure what the purchase was…probably yarn… Or knitting needles. There was a little jar holding a collection of orafice hooks for sale...