Aug 12, 2016 | everyday life, Friday5
We are back in Asheville getting everything ready for movers. While moving overall sucks, letting go of that next layer of useless stuff feels pretty awesome. We have been donating crazy amounts of stuff to our favorite charity thrift store, Brother Wolf. It also...
Aug 5, 2016 | everyday life, Friday5
So today’s Friday 5 is pretty random. Which is fine, things feel pretty random overall as we are in the thick of moving back and forth between Raleigh and Asheville. No. 1: Walk in massage appointments I don’t believe these actually exist. Every...
Aug 3, 2016 | everyday life, The Business of being an artist
It’s all happening…. We officially moved what I imagine will be the first of many loads across state. It was a small load really that consisted of my most fragile fiber art equipment and things we needed to be able to stay here as we migrate across state....
Jul 27, 2016 | How to think like an artist, Knit like a fiber artist, The Business of being an artist
I get it. It is overwhelming to follow the dream of being an artist. Let me start by dispelling that overwhelm. You already are an artist. As I have written so many times (like here and here), just by setting the intention to be an artist, you are already an artist....
Jul 20, 2016 | Creative woo, How to think like an artist
Think about it for a minute. The world seems to work in a series of opposites. Dark/Light, Good/Evil, Right Brain/Left Brain. Even nature works in cycles through opposites…growth/decay, night/day, high tide/low tide, winter/summer, ebb/flow. I think the Chinese...