Apr 13, 2017 | everyday life, What I am working on
I am in a place of making a lot of mistakes with my ceramics. I joke that I am actually making a bunch of very large test tiles that holds large quantities of coffee. One of the teachers in the studio suggested I make actual tiles to test techniques and glazes. And...
Apr 12, 2017 | Creative Inspiration, Creative woo
Mercury Retrograde is real y’all. And it went into effect Sunday. I am not gonna lie…I actually LOVE Mercury Retrograde these days. But that was not always the case. What the retrograde is, as Mercury is winding its way around the sun the view of this on...
Apr 11, 2017 | everyday life, What I am working on
Apr 10, 2017 | everyday life
I am a big fan of most of HBOs series. This one was really quite good. Great soundtrack, beautiful location(ahhhh.. Monterey, CA in those gorgeous big houses along the coast. Great casting. But I have to tell ya’ the ending was a bit confusing like some...
Apr 9, 2017 | Art Journaling for fiber artists., Creative woo, everyday life
Usually I sit down to journal with nothing more than some washi tape and maybe a good thin sharpie pen. Today I am adding some props and a little soul work. I didn’t realize I was feeling so anxious, but today found myself officially on anxiety meds. So working...