Who knew a fiberista could find wise knitting advise while googling Confucius quotes? Yep, I found my knitting Zen the other day, in the simple yet wise words of Confucius. For the most part, I think knitting is a metaphor for life in general. But here are my 3 fave Confucius quotes and some fibery food for thought to go with them.

Wherever you go, go with all your heart.
Have you ever found yourself halfway through your sweater only to realize, you hate it. Hate the yarn, hate the pattern, hate the fit. If you have been following me for a while, you know I am big on listening to your heart while creating art. Work it until your heart sings. I also think if deep down you know your heart is not in your work, then it may be time to just let it go. Chickpea, I want you to only spend your precious time on making art that you love. And while you will spend a lot of time in a place of discomfort searching for your hearts path, I also believe you will know straight up when it is time to frog that sweater and try something else that with resonate. Follow your heart, it is never wrong about your path.
Never impose on others what you do not chose for yourself.
Straight up, if you feel like you can not stand behind your work 100%, then do not put it out there. Srsly. Sure maybe someone else will like it, but when it comes to your creative work, don’t settle for Meh. Don’t let your creative genius be represented but something you feel just ok about. Work it until you love it then get it out there!
I hear, I forget. I see I remember. I do, I understand.
When I was learning how to knit socks, my teacher suggested I not try to figure out the written pattern, just trust the pattern follow the steps. And many of you understand this. That sometimes it is so easy to overthink the pattern. But what you really need to do is follow the steps and develop you muscle memory. You can read or even watch a video on how to execute all kinds of knitting techniques. But hands down, the quickest path to mastery is to just f**king do it.
So my question for you is. Do you have a favorite quote that relates to your knitting? Please share it in the comments below.
Love them all! When knitting to sell. Hahaha. I get tired of making things I would not war myself btw. Have to pass on the diffuser just bought more yarn for strphen west kal
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. LOL! I have had to think and frog and change needles and yarn. I’ve learned a lot from my experiences in knitting m, crocheting and weaving. 🙂
My favorite quote is from an old ad for face cream. It had a photo of a China Doll with a crack through her face. The copy said “Don’t cry doll. Do something”!