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Cool, Stacey!!!
I like it!
Very pretty! I want to try my hand at weaving now!! I hear it’s tough on your hands? I have Rhuematoid arthritis but I still crochet. My rheumatologist says it’s great to keep my hands moving but I’ll tell you it’s tough but soo worth it. I’m a creative person (overly lol) and do lots of crafts so having arthritis in my hands has been like hell on me because I can’t do what I once could but I want to keep them moving! That’s a really beautiful piece you created! Love it
I find crocheting harder on my hands than weaving. I do not have RA, but I do have thumb and wrist issues. I find weaving on a Ridged Heddle Loom harder on my arms and shoulders until I get them used to making those movements. My floor loom is hard on my back and that is why I am now using a RHL. Good luck with your weaving.
So pretty! I love when you can take some mistake pieces and make something really unique from them!
It sure didn’t look like a mistake piece when you got it put together as a pouch/purse. I never thought of making that. I have 10,000 scarves……..
You are so inspiring!
I love this bag. I intentionally started weaving to make things just like this. I loved your fringe…wondering what kind of yarn that is and I was thinking it would be cool to leave the fringe on either side of the bag. Wonder if that would work? Thanks for sharing