I suppose you could say I have always had a thing for art. Most of us creative types generally do. Once we are introduces to crayons and the ability to make marks to express what is in our noggin, we are hooked. I have always been an advocate for having some creative projects that are not connected to how you make your living. Something that is not influenced by trends or kudos or profit margins. For me that means stepping outside of the medium that is my income. I started knitting when I was a graphic designer for that very reason. Now that fiber art is my full time work, here are some of the other things I do to keep my creative brain nimble.

The Cary Arts Center. OMG. I love this place. I have never lived in a place with such a beautiful, well funded program for the arts. The community classes that are offered are so freaking awesome. Better yet, once you take a class there are studios where you can dive right into your new found skills and create to your hearts content. AND it is so insanely cheap. AND filled with so much equipment. So far I have take three classes. And have passes for two studios. Here is what I have been playing with

Fused Glass. This is another one of those  thing I thought I would never have interest in. But on a whim I signed up for the class, got hooked on the enthusiasm of my awesome teacher, and have been making plates bowls suncatchers and pendants. My latest thing is making glass puddles for pendants. They are super easy and is a great way to use up scrap glass. Pulling these little jewels from the kiln is like Christmas. I definitely have all my birthday and Christmas gifts for the year, yet I just can’t stop making these. I have been researching ideas for windchimes and night lights, so I image those are next. Here is my Glass Inspiration Pinterest Board.

Clay. I have had a lifelong fascination with clay. And this is certainly not my first rodeo with the wheel. But in the studio orientation, I FAILED the wheel portion of the test. It had been 10 years, and I was rusty! AND the glaze room was so large and there are so many types of glazes I was just not familiar with. I am so freaking glad I am working through a refresher, because there is also a bunch of equipment I have never used before as well.  I am really interested in making some wall tiles that I can incorporate some fiber with. I also want to make some coffee mugs and gigantic noodle soup bowls. I want to try all the techniques, there are just so many different styles I love. AND THE GLAZES!!! I want to throw a large set of tumblers just to play with the dozens upon dozens of glazes and all the possibilities. I am making a set of pendants that are essential oil diffusers as well. My Pinterest clay inspiration board is ginormous.

Graphic Design. It is funny to write this, but I find myself LOVE LOVE LOVING to work on my website. I love making pretty graphic quotes. I was a graphic designer for 25 years, and now I get to do it without a sales rep breathing down my neck.

Art Journaling. If you have been following me for a while, you know I am a huge advocate for art journaling. It is related to the sketch books we learned to keep in art school that helped us develop our ideas into an actual piece. And for many it was a place to harness passing inspirations for later. I can honestly say art journals have been the glue that holds all of my work together. It is my paper brain. Here is my Pinterest board for Art Journals.

Painting. Painting is not something I do too often, but it is definitely something I enjoy when I do. In 2015 and 2016, I took Alena Hennissey’s A Year of Painting series. It totally changed the way I approach painting and I find it LIBERATING. It is almost like a deeper approach to my work than art journaling, with a little bit of soul healing tossed in. I mostly work in Acrylic, but have found a love for mixed media. My favorite mixed media tools are Inks, paint pens and collage. Here is a link to my mixed media Pinterest board.

So, share with me. Do you have any other mediums you like to work in? Please share in the comment below and by all means! If you have any picture you want to share, do so on my FB page of in the Fiber Art collective.

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  1. Jen

    Unfortunately I have a full time job in an IT field so my creativity at work is limited to database design. But outside of work I live quilting, mixed media art journaling and painting primarily but have/am toying with resin pouring/pendants, fused/stained glass, doll making, beading, weaving (just at the very start of this), photography, and clothes making. And…probably a dozen other things. I am also just beginning to put together a website/blog/photography site. So many things to learn and do and work gets in the way! 😜

  2. Kathi Wolff

    Oh MAN….your post got me so fired up to make some art!
    Thanks for the inspiration 🙂


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About UrbanGypZ

Fiber artist Stacey Budge-Kamison AKA UrbanGypZ lives and works in Cary NC. She can also be found knitting in public, hammering out her latest e-course at local cafés and spinning yarns in her booth at her favorite arts festivals. A designer at heart, Stacey has decided that her mission is to help fellow knitters, crocheters, weavers and felters embrace their own style and creativity by exploring fiber art as it is a part of their everyday life and helping them embrace the title of artist no matter where they are in their journey.

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