I have a lot of yarn. If you are reading this, I am sure you have a lot of yarn too. But for me, I sometimes wonder if my “yarn business” is just a front for my large personal stash.

While I have quite a few sizable lots of yarn meant for some traditional sweaters, much of what I have is a ball or two of a lot of different kinds of yarn. Mostly because I am a hand spinner and hand dyer, so the stash is filled with odd skeins, test spins and remnants. But there is also quite a bit of yarn acquired as gifts and from photo shoots from my job at the craft book publisher.

If you have been following me for quite some time, you know I am a big fan of stash busting and painting with yarn. Embracing the unknown and creating fiber art intuitively without a pattern.
Intuitive knitting is not for everyone. I find it is mostly embraced by right brained knitters who get frustrated or bored with patterns. One of the questions I get asked most often is how to combine yarns. So, today I though I would share with you part of a Q&A video(for the sock art society) where I show you how I like combine yarns. The segment on color combining is in the middle of this longer video, but don’t worry this link will automatically skip ahead to that segment.
Don’t be afraid to just try a few rows to see if you like the combination. You can always rip it back if it is not working for you.

You can also just start by gathering yarns together, adding some you are not sure about and just letting the pile sit for a few days as you subconscious takes it in. You might have a better idea of what is working and what is not.
So my question for you is how do you like to combine yarns? I would love it if you would leave a comment below.
Happy knitting y’all.
Hi Stacey, I combine yarns in a project the way I knit, crochet or weave…intuitively! I gather up an assortment of colors and textures, including the teeniest quantities imaginable and just jump in.
Yes! it always seems such a waste to not use bits of leftover yarn
I really enjoyed today’s email. The April video made by you was interesting and really informative. Well done Stacey.😃😃
Thank You Carole!