Begin your body of work. Design like a fiber artist. Create patterns for handspun yarn in your stash.

BiO knitting stand for Brave+Inspired+Organic.
What started as a tutorial on how to work with handmade yarns has evolved into a primer on taking your knitting into a form of fiber art meet fashion design. Forget pattern math (well…most of it), and traditional knitwear designs you will find in your Ravelry queue.
There are no rules when it comes to art.
You are already a fiber artist(I see you all as fiber artists). Let’s get you designing wearables like a fashion designer.

This course is suitable for advanced beginners
You will need some shaping experience and knowledge of working up a gauge
I have distilled what I know into an 8 week e-course, guiding you through exercises that will amp up your creativity. I am sharing some stuff that some of the most successful artists I know in other industries use (they are consistently doing the same things collectively to stay creative)expanding your ideas way beyond what you thought you could create. I will then step you through a super fast way to get those ideas and inspirations into a textile form. No stressing over the technical stuff, that can be a creative buzz kill.
Not Sure? Try a lesson for free!
Here is what you will learn:
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Hobby knitter vs. fiber artist. Learning the difference. How to make mistakes that help grow your work.
Lesson 6
How to do The daily work. Getting the most out of you productive time, how to replenish your creative coffers, and what to do when you are stuck.
Lesson 7
Become obsessed with study. Diving into historical and cultural inspirations and integrating them with your work.
Lesson 8
Creating a body of work. How to take what you know beyond this class and create a line knitwear. a bonus!

BiOKnitting is not just limited to knitting!
BiOKintting methods can apply to crochet, weaving, felting, even a combination of any fiber techniques. It works with what ever resonates with you.